Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Working on my Dream...

Hello, hello, hello, and a big hug. It is good to be back!
With great love and respect please join me as I continue to experience the best dream ever!

What an interesting and exciting time we all live in.

Welcome to MARCYVERSE and the mystical world I live/dream in .Have you heard and did you know the latest from the mystical realm is:

That psychics, astrologers, palm readers, Tarot card, and numerologists have become the rage as people everywhere are looking for answers. Why not straddle both worlds? Life works when you play it! Just last week (March 09), in USA today the heading was Psychics make a fortune during uncertain economic times. Check out the link below...

For additional information/confirmation as the psychic world and the business world meet there was a study by John Mihalasky and Douglas Dean. Mihalasky performed a landmark 10 year study at the Newark College of Engineering that showed executives whose companies are most profitable are also people with the highest psychic ability. The studies showed that psychic abilities and guidance provide a clear advantage not just in life and love, but also in the world of business success.

Hello! My business is booming indeed! The last three months have been incredible and financially prosperous as well...

It is unprecedented so many people are seeking out the psychic/mystical realm. It is amazing and exciting to meet and assist others while using all of the wonderful oracles our universe provides; i.e. Tarot, numerology, intuition, etc. and the magic they continue to bring into our experiencea. For me to witness as others shift their perception and step into their power leaves me uplifted and full of grace. Loving what I do and doing what I love it never ceases to amaze me that when others change their puffy heart and make heartfelt choices to embrace their own divine nature how their life experience changes.

Moreover, business is booming for others as well quotes, Michelle Crystal, a Harvard Business School MBA and psychic advisor, helping high-rollers cope with major life-changes. "People understand that psychic healing and advising can have a greater impact on their lives than advice from the most expensive lawyers, therapists or financial advisors," says Ms. Crystal from her office on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.

In addition to the abundance of private readings last week I had the most awesome and incredible experiences as the media tuned into MARCYVERSE and I was filmed for a reality show that will be televised in September. Stay tuned for the rest of the story.

And on that final cheery note...Take pause and may you know as you continue to step into your magic, that who you are is is the source for all joy, beauty, love and happiness. That You are Forever. And, as you open your heart to grace and your Self you will discover that it is your inner guide to everything you desire. That everything you need is at your fingertips. Have the best day ever experiencing the Magic of You. Happy dreamin'...