(What it means for you)
The Planet URANUS went retrograde on July 1, 2009… it will remain in retrograde until December 1, 2009. Ok, so what does that mean… well it means that if you would check out Uranus via a telescope, to track its movement across the sky, it would appear to be moving backwards, even though it isn’t.
It’s an optical illusion, much the same as if you were looking out the window of your passenger train at the train moving along the other track. Your train (which is moving faster than the other) makes it appear that the other train is moving backwards. That’s known in astrology as the retrograde effect.
In a nutshell, this seemingly backward motion of URANUS will cause you to feel the need to rebel against people and situations, as well as the dictatorial and dogmatic life conditions that you’re tolerated and suppressed until now. You will demand the recognition, respect and rights that others have previously ignored or merely dismissed as insignificant. It supercharges your determination to express your individuality… to show your true self (who you really are) as you reactivate your need to succeed in life.
Before we discuss some of its other retrograding effects, let’s take a deeper look into its Divine Psychology. Uranus is known as the planet of enlightenment, change, and individuality. Uranus uses Nature’s electromagnetic energy (in the form of lightning bolts amid its thunder showers) to clear stagnant atmospheric congestion, and in our lives, to clear congestive life situations and stagnant states of thought.
Since Uranus is attuned to the Divine Plan of the Creator, it is focused on and concerned mainly in joining the personal mind of man and woman to the collective consciousness and the group mind. It operates in the higher dimensional Etheric Realms of higher spiritual intuition and within the physical body manages both our electrical nerve impulses and higher mind complexes. Much like Jimeny Cricket in his counseling and guiding capacity for Pinocchio.
When Uranus is retrograde, expect the unexpected. It’s mission during the retrograde is to disrupt your static life patterns and to invoke change so you can emerge as the true self you really are.
It goes without saying that the Planet Uranus has got to be the ultimate odd ball and most unpredictable (energetic) planet within our solar system… why? Well, because this Divine emissary totally enjoys and takes tremendous pleasure overthrowing outmoded concepts and useless modalities that perpetuate within our lives.
He wouldn’t hesitate a second to yank the rug out from under people, processes or outmoded establishment classicisms that no longer benefit or promote either individual or higher humanitarian purposes. This is a planet with a transpersonal focus… one on a mission to unite our humanhood and Eternal Divine Spiritual precepts into our Soul’s evolutionary journey. He will reward unselfish philanthropic motivations and actions, but will reprimand and penalize selfish efforts that seek solely to gain personal advantage at the expense of others.
Nothing pleases this innovative revolutionary more than to be considered and viewed as the great disrupter, reformer, truth advocate and avant-garde champion of needed change in all stagnant and decadent departments of our lives or the future of nations.
As mentioned above, this powerhouse moves and operates in our lives like a lightning bolt, striking suddenly and unexpectedly as he introduces and forces changes that require us to cope, adjust and modify our direction and habits, just to survive.
A trickster… yes, he is all of that and more. He’s like a phantom who appears suddenly out of left field or like Friday the 13th’s Jason who (in a flash) appears menacingly behind you. Uranus knows that if you continue (throughout life) suppressing the need for change, that these frustrations will manifest as sickness within the body. For that reason he knows that only by abruptly overturning your plans or health, will you be forced to take corrective and healing action. He is our friend, but at times appears to be our worst adversary and antagonist.
Did you know that every birth sign (Libra, Aries, etc.) has what is called a Ruling Planet? A ruling planet is like a mentor, guide or higher energy in charge of the characteristics and nature expressed within each birth sign. Libra is guided by the planet Venus; Virgo by Mercury and so on…
Uranus is the higher energy force ruling the activities of the Sign of Aquarius. As its guide and main force field influence, Uranus strongly influences the personality and tendencies of Aquarius… in other words, both the Sign of Aquarius and Uranus act like twins in the execution of their astrological roles.
My reason for mentioning this is… to show you just how the Retrograde Uranus energies can affect and influence folks born under the Sign of Aquarius. Principally, the example that is most prominent these days is the conduct and the actions of one SARAH PALLIN, born as an Aquarian on February 11, 1964.
Sarah is a classical example of the reactionary patterns that can be prompted and evoked by this very potent URANUS RETROGRADE. As a matter of fact she wasted no time when on July 2, (just 1 day after Uranus turned Retro) she demonstrated these totally surprising, firebrand, revisionist and off the wall Uranian impulses.
Both The Sign of Aquarius and its Ruling Planet Uranus are unable to tolerate (as they view them) critical, oppressive and inappropriate conditions and actions on the part of others. They will rebel and institute measures to either change or topple these obstructionist influences or extract themselves from the situation altogether. Sarah followed this Uranian urge to a “T” as we all witnessed with great surprise.
In her mind she was justified in vacating her responsibilities as Governor, since the adverse personal and political conditions infecting this elected office were flawed and irredeemable. In typical Uranian fashion she chose to protect her independence and reputation as a fighter against corruption, so she could rise (like the Phoenix) at another time on an unannounced playing field. In her mind she hasn’t lost the war, but is just retreating to regroup for a fresh attack under reinforced conditions.
Interestingly, in her personal astrological birth chart, the Planet Uranus is moving retrograde through the (6th) house. Astrologically this means, personally for Sarah, that breaking free was the prevailing and appropriate urge or action called for at this time. The (6th) house deals with one’s occupation & humanitarian outreach. It deals with a need to be free and unencumbered so one can protect their reputation and to revolutionize their work style and approach to the fulfillment of their long range goals.
A Personal Gift from my wonderful friend/mentor, Joe Ivory...If you’d like to know how the Uranus Retrograde is personally affecting your life journey, both Marcy and I would be pleased to send you an email to highlight just how you are being impacted between now and the end of 2009. All we need is your date of birth & other items shown below.
Date of Birth _________________________
Time of Birth __________________________
Town of Birth __________________________
Please email or blog these particulars to Marcy at: MYSTICALMARCY@GMAIL.COM and within a few days, your chart and personal retrograde experience will arrive on your cyberscreen. Please be sure to include your email address.
The principal thing for us all to remember about a Uranus Retrograde is that this Retro Planet will attempt to liberate you from the chains of convention and excessive demands of others. It applies some rather strange and unconventional pressures to the stagnant patterns of our lives to enable us to gain greater personal freedom to think and act. Others may consider your actions to be out of order or extreme, but such is the nature of Uranus. It acts to redeem the true being within us all.
Wishing you the best journey ever!