Dearest friends,
With deep respect and love I honor all of you who are on this extraordinary journey. I wanted to reflect back to you today to see yourself as the source of your experiences. To know everything is coming for us (not to us), for us to learn, grow and evolve from! Moreover, to remember to ask for whatever you desire. The universe is your buffet. You matter! Through our intentions we create the miracles-once we realize we deserve them...
Today stand in a place of your own authentic power and show up being the best you can be (and go all the way)! Never again having your greatness eclipsed by others or having to dim you light again...
There is a wonderful movement/impulse that is moving through all of us so we can flourish and live larger lives. As many of us are transforming stepping into our deeper truths know I stand by, for and with you as you courageously integrate all the wonderful attributes of who you are...please know I am here for you if I can assist you in anyway. Until next time take pause and know you are cherished, loved and protected in all ways.
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