Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Barack is Number 44!

November 5, 2008
I had this epiphany today when I realized that Barack Obama is going to be the 44th President of the United States. Not the 43rd or 45th but the 44th president! As a master number I knew that the double 4 raises the 4 to higher qualities of power thus symbolizing an ever increasing exalted vibration or a bridge to higher wisdom - the first step to enlightenment and higher consciousness. I then asked my brilliant friend/mentor, Joe Ivory, for his interpretation. I just love what he wrote.
Here is the rest of the story…Enjoy!

Hi Marcy:

It just so happens that, earlier today, I too was reflecting on the meaning of Barack's destiny under the mantle of the huge and massively important number of the Master Teacher (44).

King George was the 43rd President and under that energy matrix acted negatively (causing the 7 to invert and create chaos around his actions and personal mindset.

Had George moved with Higher Purpose as his guiding mantra and not allowed his disfunctional personality to become obsessively dominant, he would have been a much more elevated and spiritually effective leader.

Billy Boy Clinton was the 42nd... that adds up to (6). Here again, the lust of personal power and need for ego attention (plus his womanizing tendencies) were expressed negatively. He was occupying a number (6) energy under the 42. He projected appeal and charisma, but it was misdirected.

Barack will be stepping into the high energy pool of the (44) vibration, a Master Number of great importance. The interesting thing here is that he is excellently equipped to handle the task, since he is a caring and diligent worker, one who is extremely resourceful and able to persevere to the end where the unfolding of his goals are concerned.

Barack is a normal, everyday human being, but when he accepts and wears the mantle of the 44th position within the presidential hierarchy, he is stepping into a highly charged and divinely directed energy field that can be used for good or evil.

The (44) adds up to (8). The (8) as we've discussed before, is the number of the caterpillar and the butterfly. On the lower material level the (8) and the caterpillar assume a look and role that is mundane and much different from the later spiritual birth of the caterpillar into the butterfly.
It is the process of transformation that the (8) brings to the world. Beauty (the butterfly) is possible for the (8) and is the representative result of a transformational state of consciousness that Barack will hopefully emanate to and for the world.

Because the (44) has such a high potential, it will demand a person who is a focused, determined and disciplined individual. One who has the ability to conform to the demands and challenges of his office and one who must always move along a trail of success by accepting nothing less than concrete results.

So, as you can see, he is the right man for the job... as the 44th he will, I am sure, tackle each challenge and opportunity with the highest accomplishment possible. That is simply the way he is as an individual personality.

In Light,


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