The ancient science of Numerology teaches that the numbers we use everyday in a quantitative, mathematical and financial way, also have important qualitative meanings (in other words they possess attributes, traits and qualities that display and describe distinguishing characteristics and trends).
For instance, the energies of the Number One (in Numerology) empower one with energized self-initiative, originality, leadership and a drive to achieve. It's a number that animates and prompts life events and personal actions to seek and assume a leadership role through creativity, breakout originality, invention, ambition, assertiveness and innovative action.
The number Two, is just the opposite... its energy style and disposition is more indicative of and tends to prefer group or partnership interaction (a banding together with others in union and association). It's a number that is more comfortable serving in a background role that is more supportive, rather than one that steps boldly forward in dynamic singular leadership (like the number One).
So it is with the individual number digits contained in the passing years of our lives, in our age, our name and our dates of birth. When examined separately and in combination with other numbers, these separate number digits tell us about the condition of our lives and the event experiences we might expect from year to year.
In this article, I'll be discussing the influences of the number digits contained within the coming year (2009).
Last year, toward the end of (2007), I discussed the planetary and numerological aspects native to our current year (2008). As mentioned in the article, the energy complex and harsh interplay within the numbers (2+0+0+8) indicated that society was headed for some rather drastic, rocky and unprecedented conditions throughout 2008 and into 2009. That was because the numbers (2+0+0+8) added up a (10) which when added together equal (1).
The number (1), as mentioned briefly above, is a number that gives rise to many new, unexpected and extraordinarily challenging life conditions.
To recap, this was last year's commentary:
ECONOMIC OUTLOOK for 2008: "Not just a slowing of the economy, but an out and out bottom-scrapping recession. True, the pundits of economic trend analysis feel that the Global economy will support and sustain America's fiscal survival. However, the mortgage, oil and increasing job losses will crunch our daily lives well into the Spring of 2009. The Stock Market will not crash, but will experience a crushing market correction. This will be accompanied by an increasing credit crunch and illiquidity initiated by home loss through foreclosure, layoffs, corporate cutbacks and job loss".
The numbers of the year (2+0+0+9) add up to the double-digit number (11), which is known in Numerology as a Master Number. The term "Master" refers to its high vibrational capacity and finely tuned ability to attract situations (like a magnet) that have far-reaching and higher level impact implications and effects.
All numbers have a specific electromagnetic energy field that, when combined with other numbers, creates life effects and conditions that influence our collective lives. The (11) is one of the most potent of these number combinations and is a "hot potato" that must be managed and handled with care. You might equate it to a vial of nitro-glycerin... extremely volatile and explosive under certain conditions.
Metaphorically, the number (11) symbolizes a point in our journey where we've reached a fork in the road and a decision must be made (to choose either the path to the right or the path to the left). One of these paths will ensure positive change and upward growth, while the other portends stagnation and a loss of initiative, purpose and direction (due to a refusal to change, innovate or revise previous decisions or conduct).
During (2009) the energy of the number (11) will be challenging all of humanity to choose the positive path (by changing its faulty mindsets, operational constructs and misdirected global goals) or to continue on along a path of negativity, deceit, fiscal irresponsibility, dishonesty, injustice, social intolerance and financial criminality (which can only lead to an ultimate abyss of darkness and failure).
During (2008) we've all witnessed the beginnings of this approaching storm in the collapsing financial markets and the failing corrupted mortgage and distorted financial mechanisms. Most assailing and frightening of them all, has been the wholesale misuse and manipulation of taxpayer funds, by trusted Federal, State and local governmental agencies.
Astrologically, the Number (11) is directly connected and partnered with the Planet Uranus, a cosmic energy system known as "The Great Awakener". Throughout the entirety of (2009) both Uranus and the Number (11) will be working together, uprooting and toppling corrupted systems wherever they exist. To get a clearer picture of their relationship, you could consider the Number (11) as the FBI and the planet Uranus as the collective group of field agents operating under its authority. Together they are on a mission to overturn, eliminate and positively reconstruct society's fraudulent ways.
Uranus will be assuming a specialized role (during 2009) as it scans the World for areas of injustice and corruption. Its single focus is the elimination of greed, corruption, perversion, depravity and all things that are legally, ethically and morally dishonest.
Uranus is known as the planet of "Lightning Strikes"... by that I mean it can strike anywhere, anytime in the conduct of its housecleaning agenda. As a Cosmic Cop and Planetary Sentinel, you can be sure that when it detects a corrupted situation or malevolent enterprise, that the old, subverted, useless and obsolete influences will be abruptly shattered and swept away.
You can expect early (2009) to be a continuation of our present economic slide, but then later in the year, there will be a slow metamorphic recovery and economic stabilization through the implementation of fair banking policies and correctly engineered governmental controls.
Uranus and the number (11) energy of (2009) will have crushed and swept away many of the economic pathogens and paralyzing influences that have been ruthlessly controlling the world during the past twenty years.
As we approach 2010 the vital energy and positive thrust of life will be replenished and born anew, providing humanity a renewed hope for a brighter more successful future.
see prediction for 2008
copyright 2007-2008-2009, Joe Ivory, all rights reserved.
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