Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Dearest Ones, Today be the greatest vision and the grandest version of who you are by living at the highest potential of the number 9 vibration and become the gateway for kindness, peace, beauty, power, joy, humility, light, love and forgiveness...

Happy 9-9-9... How lucky are we to live such an auspicious life.

With the grace and wisdom we return to that phrase, “The universe must have a reason for why this happened to me.” We may never find the answers through our logical minds; however, in the grace of wisdom we can discover revelations beyond the beyond. This grace has air-lifted me this week to an unspeakable sacred place within the divine.

From the bottom of my puffy heart I want to thank you all for inspiring and nourishing me with all your actions, your love, support, prayers and unconditional friendship. For all you have given I hope I can puff that essence forward... May all that you wish for be the least you receive. May you continue to celebrate what you want to see more of. With every breathe you take - may you take it with trust and grace. Know you too are encoded with the miracles you have yet to discover. Not to mention, that you are extraordinary, magnificent beings who are here to create from love. Let your dreams lead you to where you want to be. And, May all of you continue to be open to receive the miracles that abound along with abundant health, infinite love and limitless prosperity.

I have witness, seen and experienced that the universe is always conspiring to bless us and to help us in astonishing ways. I have learned my gorgeous friends about trust and faith and the unfolding of the Divine. Take pause and know too you are and were all part of the miracles that continue to unfold.

With great love and respect I say thank you and so it is and it is so. I continue to Bless and cherish you all... Have the best 9-9-9 ever!


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