Thursday, December 18, 2008

Today Discover your own Greatness!

Bee with Yourself - Open the Box to Love! Today indulge in your own greatest, luxurious mystery. Let the Love that you Bee! Know, no one else will ever Bee like you. Create the story you Are - and know the world is embracing your Succulentity with thankful Joy!

Dream Big and know your Dreams are Miracles waiting to happen!

The real

Have the best day ever in PuffyHeart land...

Be the beauty you LOVE Bee what you do.


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Have the best day ever experiencing the wonder of You!

Experiencing the Wonder of You.
I Am Forever. Who I Am has beauty and strength. And, this day everything I dream will become my reality and I will experience the Wonder of Me!Heart

Here is my Puffy Heart

Welcome to PuffyHeart Land...Where Dreams Come True!
PuffyHeart is the most incredible journey ever devised by the G_ds. Everyone dies but not everyone lives!

PuffyHeart is going behind the mind to discover the pure awareness of your Bliss in thankful Joy. I welcome you all with great respect and love to go into and open up your puffyHeart and experience and discover the Wonder of You. Dwell in possibility. Bee delicious. Bee You. For who You are has Beauty and Strength. Take pause and know you are Forever. Celebrate You! Bee Outrageous! And, know if you don't go within, You go without! Begin now - become the greatest vision of the grandest version of You. Become your Beloved and know it is a journey of a thousand faces. And, May all that you wish for be the least you receive!

Let all Lovers be content
Give them happy endings
Let their lives be celebrations
Let their hearts dance in the fire of your love.-RumiHeart

Thursday, December 4, 2008


The ancient science of Numerology teaches that the numbers we use everyday in a quantitative, mathematical and financial way, also have important qualitative meanings (in other words they possess attributes, traits and qualities that display and describe distinguishing characteristics and trends).

For instance, the energies of the Number One (in Numerology) empower one with energized self-initiative, originality, leadership and a drive to achieve. It's a number that animates and prompts life events and personal actions to seek and assume a leadership role through creativity, breakout originality, invention, ambition, assertiveness and innovative action.

The number Two, is just the opposite... its energy style and disposition is more indicative of and tends to prefer group or partnership interaction (a banding together with others in union and association). It's a number that is more comfortable serving in a background role that is more supportive, rather than one that steps boldly forward in dynamic singular leadership (like the number One).

So it is with the individual number digits contained in the passing years of our lives, in our age, our name and our dates of birth. When examined separately and in combination with other numbers, these separate number digits tell us about the condition of our lives and the event experiences we might expect from year to year.

In this article, I'll be discussing the influences of the number digits contained within the coming year (2009).

Last year, toward the end of (2007), I discussed the planetary and numerological aspects native to our current year (2008). As mentioned in the article, the energy complex and harsh interplay within the numbers (2+0+0+8) indicated that society was headed for some rather drastic, rocky and unprecedented conditions throughout 2008 and into 2009. That was because the numbers (2+0+0+8) added up a (10) which when added together equal (1).

The number (1), as mentioned briefly above, is a number that gives rise to many new, unexpected and extraordinarily challenging life conditions.

To recap, this was last year's commentary:

ECONOMIC OUTLOOK for 2008: "Not just a slowing of the economy, but an out and out bottom-scrapping recession. True, the pundits of economic trend analysis feel that the Global economy will support and sustain America's fiscal survival. However, the mortgage, oil and increasing job losses will crunch our daily lives well into the Spring of 2009. The Stock Market will not crash, but will experience a crushing market correction. This will be accompanied by an increasing credit crunch and illiquidity initiated by home loss through foreclosure, layoffs, corporate cutbacks and job loss".

The numbers of the year (2+0+0+9) add up to the double-digit number (11), which is known in Numerology as a Master Number. The term "Master" refers to its high vibrational capacity and finely tuned ability to attract situations (like a magnet) that have far-reaching and higher level impact implications and effects.

All numbers have a specific electromagnetic energy field that, when combined with other numbers, creates life effects and conditions that influence our collective lives. The (11) is one of the most potent of these number combinations and is a "hot potato" that must be managed and handled with care. You might equate it to a vial of nitro-glycerin... extremely volatile and explosive under certain conditions.

Metaphorically, the number (11) symbolizes a point in our journey where we've reached a fork in the road and a decision must be made (to choose either the path to the right or the path to the left). One of these paths will ensure positive change and upward growth, while the other portends stagnation and a loss of initiative, purpose and direction (due to a refusal to change, innovate or revise previous decisions or conduct).

During (2009) the energy of the number (11) will be challenging all of humanity to choose the positive path (by changing its faulty mindsets, operational constructs and misdirected global goals) or to continue on along a path of negativity, deceit, fiscal irresponsibility, dishonesty, injustice, social intolerance and financial criminality (which can only lead to an ultimate abyss of darkness and failure).

During (2008) we've all witnessed the beginnings of this approaching storm in the collapsing financial markets and the failing corrupted mortgage and distorted financial mechanisms. Most assailing and frightening of them all, has been the wholesale misuse and manipulation of taxpayer funds, by trusted Federal, State and local governmental agencies.

Astrologically, the Number (11) is directly connected and partnered with the Planet Uranus, a cosmic energy system known as "The Great Awakener". Throughout the entirety of (2009) both Uranus and the Number (11) will be working together, uprooting and toppling corrupted systems wherever they exist. To get a clearer picture of their relationship, you could consider the Number (11) as the FBI and the planet Uranus as the collective group of field agents operating under its authority. Together they are on a mission to overturn, eliminate and positively reconstruct society's fraudulent ways.

Uranus will be assuming a specialized role (during 2009) as it scans the World for areas of injustice and corruption. Its single focus is the elimination of greed, corruption, perversion, depravity and all things that are legally, ethically and morally dishonest.

Uranus is known as the planet of "Lightning Strikes"... by that I mean it can strike anywhere, anytime in the conduct of its housecleaning agenda. As a Cosmic Cop and Planetary Sentinel, you can be sure that when it detects a corrupted situation or malevolent enterprise, that the old, subverted, useless and obsolete influences will be abruptly shattered and swept away.

You can expect early (2009) to be a continuation of our present economic slide, but then later in the year, there will be a slow metamorphic recovery and economic stabilization through the implementation of fair banking policies and correctly engineered governmental controls.

Uranus and the number (11) energy of (2009) will have crushed and swept away many of the economic pathogens and paralyzing influences that have been ruthlessly controlling the world during the past twenty years.

As we approach 2010 the vital energy and positive thrust of life will be replenished and born anew, providing humanity a renewed hope for a brighter more successful future.

see prediction for 2008

copyright 2007-2008-2009, Joe Ivory, all rights reserved.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Barack is Number 44!

November 5, 2008
I had this epiphany today when I realized that Barack Obama is going to be the 44th President of the United States. Not the 43rd or 45th but the 44th president! As a master number I knew that the double 4 raises the 4 to higher qualities of power thus symbolizing an ever increasing exalted vibration or a bridge to higher wisdom - the first step to enlightenment and higher consciousness. I then asked my brilliant friend/mentor, Joe Ivory, for his interpretation. I just love what he wrote.
Here is the rest of the story…Enjoy!

Hi Marcy:

It just so happens that, earlier today, I too was reflecting on the meaning of Barack's destiny under the mantle of the huge and massively important number of the Master Teacher (44).

King George was the 43rd President and under that energy matrix acted negatively (causing the 7 to invert and create chaos around his actions and personal mindset.

Had George moved with Higher Purpose as his guiding mantra and not allowed his disfunctional personality to become obsessively dominant, he would have been a much more elevated and spiritually effective leader.

Billy Boy Clinton was the 42nd... that adds up to (6). Here again, the lust of personal power and need for ego attention (plus his womanizing tendencies) were expressed negatively. He was occupying a number (6) energy under the 42. He projected appeal and charisma, but it was misdirected.

Barack will be stepping into the high energy pool of the (44) vibration, a Master Number of great importance. The interesting thing here is that he is excellently equipped to handle the task, since he is a caring and diligent worker, one who is extremely resourceful and able to persevere to the end where the unfolding of his goals are concerned.

Barack is a normal, everyday human being, but when he accepts and wears the mantle of the 44th position within the presidential hierarchy, he is stepping into a highly charged and divinely directed energy field that can be used for good or evil.

The (44) adds up to (8). The (8) as we've discussed before, is the number of the caterpillar and the butterfly. On the lower material level the (8) and the caterpillar assume a look and role that is mundane and much different from the later spiritual birth of the caterpillar into the butterfly.
It is the process of transformation that the (8) brings to the world. Beauty (the butterfly) is possible for the (8) and is the representative result of a transformational state of consciousness that Barack will hopefully emanate to and for the world.

Because the (44) has such a high potential, it will demand a person who is a focused, determined and disciplined individual. One who has the ability to conform to the demands and challenges of his office and one who must always move along a trail of success by accepting nothing less than concrete results.

So, as you can see, he is the right man for the job... as the 44th he will, I am sure, tackle each challenge and opportunity with the highest accomplishment possible. That is simply the way he is as an individual personality.

In Light,



Obama’s Exact Fate Predicted by Numerologist
Marcy Leefar
1 561 477 5511

Boca Raton, FL (PRWEB) November 11, 2008 - Marcy Leefar is the only well-known mystic who firmly stated on public record that Barack Obama would win by a landslide, long before polls showed him in the lead.
Not only that, but Ms. Leefar, better known as Mystical Marcy (, made her definitive prediction during the height of Sarah Palin-mania, a time when most others retreated, toned-down or hedged their predictions without committing to a clear result.
"Mystical Marcy made a firm prediction and stuck by it because she knows the secrets of numerology better than anyone else out there today," says Florida nutritionist Dina Ranade, a client of Mystical Marcy. "All of the other people making predictions said 'well maybe this will happen or maybe that will happen' but Marcy said 'here is exactly what will happen'. The insight that she provides to her clients on a personal level is just as astounding."
Marcy works primarily with numbers but also uses Tarot and natural psychic abilities to give her clients unique revelations, spiritual motivation and practical advice. Speaking from her office in Boca Raton Florida, Marcy says "public opinion is often neurotic and jumps quickly from craze to craze. But numbers are constant and they don't care about crazes. They are our pathways to self-understanding. Numbers simply reveal universal truths to us, and those truths are always consistent."
Marcy sees more big changes coming soon and will continue releasing updates on her website at
Word of her Obama prediction is spreading fast. Marcy is receiving calls from high-profile clients seeking her advice on everything from careers and love to money and the housing market. Asked to divulge some names, Marcy says "No way. Confidentiality is an important part of my service."
Contact Mystical Marcy for private readings, corporate events, parties, teaching and workshops at

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Joe Biden

The stage is set as the race continues...
I am truly grateful to my elite community and spiritual team of incredible, intuitive, and brilliant mentors who continue to bless and amaze me with their talent and artistic genius. Joe Ivory, being one of my teachers and one of the most incredible numerologists and astrologists in this world, has written a wonderful and enlightening article with the recent selection of Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr as the Democratic Nominee for the Vice President of the United States of America.

Never have the hands of Fate's Cosmic Event Clock aligned so synchronistically and so amazingly in-line with life's events, as they have with the recent selection of Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr as the Democratic Nominee for the Vice President of the United States of America.
His amazing and totally surprising selection is not only fated, but is prominently indicated as a cornerstone event within Joe's astrological future trend chart. His ascendancy is also prominently shown and indicated within the action numbers of his numerological Future Trend and Progression Chart.
On Election Day, November 4, 2008, the Planet Saturn will be moving from the 18th degree of Virgo to the 19th degree of Virgo within our skies above. Why, you may ask, is this so noteworthy? Well it's not only noteworthy, but is "the pathway event" of Joe Biden's amazing introduction (as a key player) into Fate's Destiny Plan to transform and uplift the evolutionary consciousness and mindset of humanity.
Within each person's astrological chart there is an area referred to as their 10th House (called the Midheaven Point) that speaks to their professional and public achievements, career goals, ambitions and levels of recognition for work and effortful accomplishments. In Joe's chart his 10th House Midheaven Point is in the Sign of Virgo at 19 degrees.
On November 4, 2008, the Planet Saturn will move into the 19th degree of Virgo (conjoining Joe's Midheaven to the exact degree).. This merging of Saturn's energies with Joe's Midheaven Point will inaugurate and launch his reputation and elevate his life purpose. This sort of Saturnian conjunction will lend power and world vision to Joe's driving purpose to serve with honor for America and the World.
The Planet Saturn is known as the great disciplinarian and teacher. Its powers are great and are present within our lives to teach us how to structure and order our existence. It asks us to work honestly effortfully and consistently with focus, firm dedication and solid determination in all we do. If we stray from that plan or path, each must suffer the consequences. However, when we've worked hard and strived diligently through the years, Saturn honors and rewards us with position and recognition for a job well done.
An example of the sort of negative reward one can bring down upon themselves is that of the Presidency of Richard Nixon. When the Planet Saturn entered Nixon's 10th House Midheaven Point, he reaped the wild wind and lost all (as the result of the negative energies he fostered). Saturn asks only that you be honest and strive in a positive and dedicated manner to succeed. Go against his will and the results can be devastating.
Such has been the intention of Joe's life efforts... to work honestly (with concerned purpose) for the betterment of all. As a key player in the Senate for 35 years he has earned the reputation of a no nonsense, fair and straight forward fighter for justice and equality (domestically and internationally). He has followed the tenets and principles set forth by the Planet Saturn and has finally earned the opportunity to serve and manifest his reward.
Numerologically, Joe's progressed event chart shows that just after his 65th birthday in 2007 (November 20), he entered the ambitious and forward moving achievement influence of the innovative and progressive number ONE. This number always appears in our charts when we are about to launch a new venture or move energetically into new areas of exploration and hopeful accomplishment.
Another area of note within the chart is his age digit of (65) which totals (11) when the digits are added together ( 6 + 5 = 11). This (11) is a Master Number which always energizes and elevates a person's path in life, providing illumination and inspiration to accomplish great things (for self and humanity).
There are far greater powers at work within our Universe, than known or ever conceived by the little minds of man. Joe's move into the dawning rays of this evolutionary light of a new era is just a first step forward into the advancing tides of our changing Universe.
Stay tuned, there are many more surprising events yet to follow.
copyright 2008 by Joe Ivory, all rights reserved.
Joe Biden's astrological profile, by Pam Powers

I invite you to meet Joe Ivory
Since 1966, Joe has dedicated his lifepath and purpose to his spiritual quest... an ever constant and unrelenting search for the truths of life. In an energetic effort to share the keys of Numerology's vital self-transforming power, he has (since 1974) traveled extensively, lecturing, conducting seminars and teaching in local colleges and various California adult education programs. He has appeared on local TV and public access programming. His two newspaper columns on Numerology and The Hermetic Wisdom are well known and have been enjoyed by Bay Area readers for years.
Joe is currently available for astrology charts. Please feel free to contact Joe at or go directly to his site @

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Obama to Win in Landslide, Predicts Acclaimed Numerologist


1(561) 477-5511


Obama to Win in Landslide, Predicts Acclaimed Numerologist

Barack Obama is going to win the Presidency in an historic landslide that changes world history, says acclaimed numerologist Marcy Leefar, professionally known as Mystical Marcy.

Boca Raton, FL (PRWEB) July 22, 2008 -- Barack Obama is going to win the Presidency in an historic landslide that changes world history, says acclaimed numerologist Marcy Leefar. Ms. Leefar, professionally known as Mystical Marcy (, reports that the numbers all add up to a dramatic win for the Senator from Illinois.

"Both candidates have very powerful numbers associated with them," says Ms. Leefar from her Florida office. "The numbers clearly show that these men were destined to meet and that the fate of the world will change as a result of it."

The numbers clearly show that these men were destined to meet and that the fate of the world will change as a result of it.

"However, one of the most important messages that the numbers tell us is that 2009 will be what we call a Master Number year. This means that 2009 will be a year of major transformation for the world. The key point here is that it is transition from old to new. We see that Obama represents the new world and McCain represents the old one. And, while Senator McCain is certainly to be admired and respected, the meanings associated with 2009 indicate that the new will have a huge advantage over the old.

McCain won't be a pushover by any means, says Ms. Leefar, because both candidates have the same "Life Path" number, which is 11. "Eleven is a Master Number, which indicates supernatural strength, high vibrations, inspiration and creative forces. Both Obama and McCain have this unusual attribute. However, there is another number called the Essence. McCain's Essence is eight, which means he has access to power, finance and fortune. This is very good, but Obama's Essence number is eleven - the same as his Life Path. What this means is that all of the strength and power that comes with eleven is doubled for Obama. He has forces in his favor right now that are virtually unstoppable."

Each candidate's age is also carefully calculated in relation to other factors, and here again, Obama's numbers show a big advantage. "Obama's age calculations tell us that in the coming year he will have tremendous growth and influence, whereas McCain's age calculations show us that he is burdened with emotional baggage that could hold him back. Additionally, Obama has big advantages in numbers referred to as his Personal Year and his Transiting Letters."

"There are dozens of calculations to consider and many different methods of interpretation," cautions Marcy. "Numerology is an ancient science and when it is practiced correctly and professionally, the results can be astounding. People can transform their lives with numerology."

Famed West-coast numerologist Joe Ivory concurs with Marcy's calculations. "I've studied the numbers and am seeing the same results. We are about to witness something very big."

Mystical Marcy shares many more unique numerology insights at her website,, and may be contacted for readings, events and workshops.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Friday, July 4, 2008

This is how I share my (h)Art and Soul!
Customized cigar boxes and more for the
perfect Original Personalized Gift!

Always remember your wish is the universe's command!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

The personal year gives you an idea of what you can expect for the current year as well as building steps as you evolve.
Thanks to my wonderful friend/mentor/teacher, Joe Ivory, you can compute your own calculations below. Enjoy as you step into your Magic and see what energies are influencing your experiences on Planet Earth this year!


There's a definite ebb and flow or rhythm to life that pervades not only world events, but also your personal life affairs. It's travels as a pulsating cadence of high and low energy that vibrates, moves and fluctuates through your being in varying cycles of (9) years. Using just your date of birth, it's possible to chart just how this energy stream will influence and affect your (9) personal levels of life experience from year to year.
In Numerology this index is called your Personal Year Number. It's the specific personal number influence that points to all of the changes, emotional highs/lows and surprises packed into the experiences of your very Personal Year. To compute your Personal Year Number you simply add the number of your month of birth to the number of your day of birth. Then add the answer (number) to the numbers of this year 2008. This year 2008 is UNIVERSAL to everyone and brings specific events and changes common to the energies of the NUMBER ONE.
To compute your PERSONAL YEAR using this UNIVERSAL YEAR as its platform follow this formula: If you were born December 31 (12/31) of any year, you simply add the birth month and day numbers together until you get a single digit Using these numbers (12/31) add 1 + 2 + 3 + 1 = (7). This answer, number (7), is known as your Achievement Number. It's a number that (more of less) characterizes your first (28) years of life. That, however, is another study to be learned at a future date. Now (to get your Personal Year) add this Achievement Number (7) to this year's number (2008). Add (7) to (2 + 0 + 0 + 8) = 17. Now add this (17) together (1+ 7) to get a final single digit (8). The answer (8) is your PERSONAL YEAR number.
Commentary: Just a brief mention about the nature of the UNIVERSAL YEAR (1) which is currently influencing the events of our entire planet.
The dynamics of the UNIVERSAL YEAR ONE are busily at work this year. The electromagnetic force fields activated by the Cosmic thrust of the ONE have begun initiating change in every active arena of our existence. You can see it in the world of Politics with the unprecedented interactions between the Democratic sparing partners, Hillary and Barack. It has surfaced as a change of relations between Putin's Russia and Bush's U.S. Even more personally to us all is the cascading rip in our economy as a result of oil prices and the mortgage/credit chaos. Change surrounds & affects us all. All of these changes are the outgrowth of situations and circumstances that have been pried loose by the bulldozing effect of the NUMBER ONE. The energy pattern of the ONE is endowed with a talent to uproot, remove, renew and replace the static and outworn. In their place it sows the seeds of new beginnings with viable, dynamic, workable and beneficial opportunities. All life is change... the ONE exists to ensure that new beginnings are initiated & perpetuated to provide the most positive evolution of and for us all.
Now let's locate your Personal Year Number for (2008)... select your Personal Year to see what events and possibilities lie in store for you during 2008.
If your Personal Year Number is:
You can expect life to offer you changes and possible new beginnings... these could range all the way from a totally new and revised love life to more challenging responsibilities on the job. You may be assigned an entirely different type of work or make a physical or geographical move to a new area within your present hire or even startup completely new with another firm. This is a year that can kick off a whole new cycle of events in your life, the beginning of a new Nine-year cycle. It can also be a time of endings (that have been long overdue), so be ready for much activity and emotional change. It's time to transform your dreams, aspirations, hopes and intentions into physical reality. You may feel this energy thrust and recognize the need for a life change, but could decide to stay rooted in your current situation. That sort of response to the (1)'s urgings is not uncommon. The only problem is that you may delay too long and miss the opportunities now turning your way. Really study your needs and feelings now to be sure your hesitancy is sound thinking. You may never have such a chance like this again for another 4 years. Stay positive and be aware that you are now riding the crest of "the wave of life" which requires a fresh approach.
You can expect an interactive and emotionally sensitive year involving all sorts of relationship issues... not just personal, but social and professional. You'll be dealing with feelings that will have to be reconciled, viewpoints that must be discussed and future plans that will require definition. This is a time of decision and preparation... choosing a course of action and being certain that your focus is not one of sympathetic or sentimental accommodation. It's important not to over react or be hasty in making decisions, since Mother Nature wants you to seek peace and agreement as you flow with the tide.
It's a year to seek guidance or counseling on the difficult issues; to meditate, study, plan and assimilate the energies of life, not resist them. You are like a seed, newly planted. Your inner-core is just beginning to extend its root system so it can begin absorbing the life nutrients, necessary to your emotional growth. All new germinating seeds need spiritual and emotional nourishment to ensure proper growth.
This is the second year of your new cycle of nine years, so be tactful and cooperative in your personal relationships to ensure domestic harmony. Many marriages and emotional liaisons have parted company under the energies of the (2), simply because the parties failed to discuss, understand, empathize and reconcile their differences. Just remember, what you began last year under the Personal Year (1) is taking root now. All throughout this (2) Personal Year you will have to nurture this new (seed) beginning so it can establish a strong base to continue its growth into your (3) Personal Year in 2009. Seeds that fail to germinate or have suffered traumatic treatment to their root systems may fail to support your growing future possibilities. Stay conscious of this all throughout 2007 and you should have future success.
You can expect life to step up the pace of your activities. Last year during your (2) year, the forces of nature were at low ebb and you discovered that high achievement and successful forward motion seemed delayed and somewhat resistant at every turn... well, not this year. However, if you have chosen to carry your worry and sadness from last year into this year, you will have difficulty, emotionally.
The expanding and regenerative energies of the (3) will offer you more opportunity to be social, have more fun, express yourself in whatever medium you choose (writing, painting, speaking, crafts, parties, etc.) and just generally experience more personal freedom to accomplish.
All of these new waves of hope and excitement are set to open for you if you've been able to shake the doldrums and clouds of doubt/disappointment experienced last year. You have to be willing now in 2008 to hold your head high and have the confidence and courage to move forward for renewal and rebirth.
Doors open during the year of the (3)... people make things happen for you as income and confidence increases. Be careful, however, not to over do it... the enthusiasm and optimism of the (3) can induce haste, so one must not act without consideration. Be moderate. There's always a tendency to take on too much responsibility, be extravagant and foolishly over zealous. In other words, don't scatter your energies, for your thoughts and desires will be running at full tilt and you could simply end up spinning your wheels.
There's a feeling of great relief felt during the (3) Personal Year you sense that life has finally recognized you and your abilities and is offering you a chance to be reborn. Experience these energies as a blessing and a gift, but don't take them for granted. They'll support you and uplift you throughout the year as long as you are positive, hopeful and willing to try new directions. However, if you entered 2008 in a depressed and self-pitying way, you'll likely miss the dynamic opportunities awaiting you. That would be very unfortunate since the energies of the (3) offer too much promise for success. To the (3), negative feelings and depression are dysfunctional since the (3) is an energy of brilliance, hope and enthusiasm that absolutely refuses to accept less than 100% effort. It lives in the now and promises to be your mentor (throughout 2008) as long as you change your attitude and seek positive growth. Your choice !!
You can expect life to hand you a load of responsibility and hard work. Don't worry or recoil in fear, just know that this year, Nature wants to see if you have what it takes... to discover if you're willing and able to build a firm foundation to support the activities of the next five years of this current nine-year cycle. This is your testing year. You'll find that life will call upon you to put your affairs in order, to cultivate solid relationships, to establish method and system in all your personal/business matters and make plans for the expansion and activity due to begin next year during 2009. Don't allow yourself to feel low or be depressed during 2008, for you could feel frustrated with the weight of responsibility and limitation that is presently calling forth your best effort.
Just know that life is testing you this year (as you experience the expenses and sacrifices you'll be asked to make) and though difficult, you'll come out better prepared and able to cope with life's mounting pressures. Wherever possible try to consolidate, regroup and solidify the gains and expanded opportunities you realized during 2007... they must now be given realistic form and a firm solid structure so they will energize and coalesce to form your new base or action core. To the (4), your mental and emotional conditioning are all important during 2008. It knows that your ultimate success lies in your ability to recognize the need to focus and apply yourself to all current projects and efforts. If you're scattered and attempting to expand or foolishly taking on additional responsibilities (without a plan), you'll be headed for a life collision. The (4) knows this, so will, throughout 2008, attempt to resist and block your efforts (hoping you'll awaken in time to regroup and recognize the error of your judgment). The Personal Year (4) is your working partner, teacher and mentor hear its voice, honor its efforts and you'll be guided (through hard work and effort) along the path to success.
You can expect change, travel, growth, expansion and release from the containments and frustrations you experienced last year. During 2008 there will be a breaking up of the old conditions in your life... the obstacles, delays and frustrations of the past year (2007) will slowly lessen and disappear. One usually responds to this liberating (5) energy by moving, changing jobs, interests, attitudes and even love or friendship relationships.
The Personal Year (5) can either be a hectic year (since the change may not be welcomed or expected) or an exciting one (if you're ready for something new)... the year will not be uneventful. There's simply more personal freedom and more of an opportunity to express your individuality without hindrance or delay.
The key is to flow with these changing conditions and let the old connections fade into the chronicles of the past... to be adventurous, take some risks and be willing to try something new, the unexpected and the challenging. Nature has opened the door for your growth. Don't disappoint it. Be careful though; don't go to extremes, since the rapid and frenetic energy of the (5) can lead you to extremes of emotion, passion or speculation. Be constant, logical, consistent and steadfast, but be willing to change and release things that have outlived their usefulness. This includes relationships.
You can expect life to begin sending you some domestic responsibilities and obligations to assume... personal, emotional and financial (out of the blue and unexpected). It's almost as if the great timekeeper in the sky had decided it was now time for you to settle down and shoulder some of life's duties.
You will sense the genesis of a mood within your emotions to either fall in or out of love. To be close to someone and to have them appreciate you, to respect, care and work with you. It's as if you feel a need to adjust the inequities and imbalances in your life (to drop anchor or find some emotional security).
This could entail buying or renting a home, fixing up the house or buying some furniture, painting or remodeling. You will want to find security by giving, seeking and receiving love and attention. You might want to teach, counsel, comfort or advise others. One often pays bills, settles estates and establishes trusts or savings accounts for the future. The heart turns domestic and seeks balance, harmony, serenity and beauty in its surroundings and involvements. It's the "feather the nest" instinct.
There may be demands placed upon you for funds... donations, contributions, doctor bills, school costs or child support. You may be called upon to comfort the sick and assist family members by providing support, emotional as well as financial, short term or long.
The (6) represents love of family and community so you may have to be a peacemaker or adjuster of family differences... could even be your own. Health issues often loom to the forefront, dental work long neglected demands attention; other health issues could flare and come to the surface. Whatever the sector surrounding your health and personal well being, you should seek alternative or professional help to obtain a healing resolution. Keep your head, don't be discontented this year. Help others (and yourself) wherever and whenever you can... do this and the year will be counted as one of the happiest and most successful within this current (9) year cycle.
You can expect life to slow down a bit, not necessarily in the work or professional areas, but more in the realms of everyday personal activity and social commitment. You will find that you simply have less energy or interest in "going and doing".
In reality, life events will cause you to feel more introspective and reflective, prompting you to seek some alone or downtime. There will be a more self-protective aura about you, which may cause your friends and associates to wonder if things are OK... asking if you're well or perhaps despondent about something. The truth is that life has just ushered you through the portals of time to a space where you now begin to assess the results of your prior efforts. You begin to feel the need to reevaluate your goals and objectives, which usually leads one to rechart his or her present direction and future aspirations.
This is a year that is quite often emotionally and mentally limiting, especially if one is planning on greater physical and materialistic achievement. Life is telling you it's time to pull back, sit down, take a personal inventory of your achievements and a realistic look at where you've been and then where you "really" want to go from here. This (7) year is like the 7th day of the week, it's a time to give the spirit a rest. It's as if you've arrived at the foot of a mountain, the height of which staggers the view for a moment, but then beckoning you on to its challenge. You know, however, that the climb will require stamina and hard work... but most of all proper planning and thought. It's this meditative quality of the (7) year that is forcing you to withdraw from the pace of life... to look within.
Know that next year (2009), you'll be under the influence of the (8) Personal Year and will be asked to give your all for the success you desire. Truth, honesty and effort will be the tolls required for the fruits to be gained. Stand tall and focus your determination on your success.
If you're thoughtful, quiet, meditative, studious and patient this year, you will gain from its energies, for nature designed the Personal Year (7) as a "time-out" from the grinding progression of life. It's a time to search your soul so you will begin to understand your place within the coming universal scheme of things. One shouldn't brood over the past, but learn from its mistakes. Try to relax, rest, wait and plan, rather than try to force the issues. Try to understand and accept the fact that the delays you confront this year are meant to aid you in understanding the self (to help you rechart your future course). Nourish your soul now, seek inspiration, take a personal inventory, create a new action blueprint and get ready to implement that plan during your (8) year in 2009.
This year you can expect to reap the fruits of your efforts during the last seven years. If you worked hard, had focused purpose and applied real effort to your job or relationship, then this year will bring success and happiness. If, on the other hand, your life had (until this point) been loosely structured and you floated listlessly without purpose, passion, resolve or direction, the year 2008 could be frustrating, nerve wracking and filled with hardships, mental strain or loss of ground.
An (8) year is the paymaster; it will reward one only in direct proportion to the intention and effort expended. That is why the (8) is known as a KARMIC number... with it, the scales must balance. It gives back what you gave and sometimes with a bit more, if deserved.
If you were organized, efficient, truthful and using good judgment fairly for all, you can expect advancement, recognition and achievement. The year will continue to demand great effort, but the reward will be well worth it. Since the (8) is the agent of the law of compensation, it will insist that you think of others as well as yourself. Selfishness and greed or power-hungry motives will turn on you and the life will be peppered with disappointment and loss. Remember this, it's nature's code of ethics and must not be violated.
This is definitely a year when one (who isn't happy personally) looks toward a possible ending of a relationship... business or personal. Best advice for the (8) year is... be efficient, work hard, try to transform yourself from formerly unacceptable habits and seek ways to secure clearer and happier circumstances.
If you've dreamed of improving your life or of going further (such as well as removing yourself from a marriage or relationship), then go do it. This is the year that Nature will supply the fuel, force and impetus for your emancipation. If you hesitate or feel uncertain, you'll miss the ideal moment for your total recreation. It's hard, I know, but it's the sweat and the effort (required by 2008) that ultimately make it all worth while.
You can expect life to be changing all around you. This (9) energy affects people in various ways, but one thing is for sure, whatever is outworn or no longer useful in your life, will likely be removed or terminated.
Some experience the (9) energy by moving to a new area, changing jobs, leaving a marriage, a relationship or an interest of long association. Usually one's emotions suffer in a (9) year, they appear sad, moody and temperamental, because subconsciously they know there's a major change and realignment underway affecting their life structures. You will be sensitive and very intuitive. It's very important that you stay positive and mentally/emotionally optimistic, because next year you'll be called upon to launch a whole new cycle or chapter in your life. The experiences of your Personal Year (9) will require guts and determination... lots of staying power, so gear up now. Be willing to let go of the outworn and no longer useful elements of your life. Issues and emotional involvements will be coming to a head now, so don't start anything new... be patient.
When one is in the NINE PERSONAL YEAR, anything begun or started before September 2008 will most probably be of short duration, not last and lack permanence. For that reason, it isn't wise to inaugurate new projects until after September 2008. For the present, continue housecleaning your life, have patience, be loving to others, have compassion, tolerance and forgiveness and above all, don't hang on to things, people or situations that are no longer useful or productive.
SUGGESTIONS to help you manage the various PERSONAL YEARS presented above:
Be prepared to look ahead. Don't look back. New opportunities should appear this year. Someone could enter your life with a new proposition or offer that will require your decision. Has to do with the future. Don't be afraid to be aggressive, to take a stand in protection of your rights and future. Life says... accept challenges as they arise and have the courage to be yourself.
This is your year of growth within... much happening under the surface now. Emotions are sensitive and easily upset, so be aware that romantic or relationship issues may emerge. Don't rush events and issues this year. Be patience and realize that what was started last year needs time to reach its maturation in order to blossom in your THREE Personal Year. Helping others without expectation of return will serve to be a healing influence for your emotional difficulties.
This is a year of vigorous activity and involvements... much to do, places to go, people to see and seeming little time to handle it all. Most of all, this is an emotional year. Could be upbeat and joyful emotion or depressing and worrisome. It all depends on the frame of mind and feeling you brought with you when 2008 began. Your THREE year is a time to express your joyful side, whether it is becoming more social or entering into fun-loving activities with others. Try to enjoy yourself. This is a year to allow friendships, family, love & happiness replace last year's sadness.
This is a year of transition... it concerns itself with practical matters and issues pertaining to family and property (owned or up for possible purchase). This FOUR year often feels like a grind, since the prior year THREE was so footloose and free for your feelings and personal expression. To be successful this year it's imperative that you attend to all details as they arise. Procrastination will not work this year. Try to avoid family arguments and squabbles, since the focus is on domestic issues during the term of the FOUR. Health issues must also be checked, since the FOUR may bring physical ailments to the fore.
The energies of your FIVE year are like a young sapling sending sap and new growth racing through its trunk and branches... to feel alive. Closely akin to the THREE year, you will begin feeling constant change occurring all around you. This is a year of change, some planned, but most appearing as a surprise. If you are a person who dislikes change, then you will have to learn to cope, since change this year is inevitable. It's important that you "grow with life"... if you pull back, you will feel life is unkind, that the Creator is picking on you. That is not the attitude to assume, it can only bring you unhappiness. Unexpected change, surprising events and the breaking up of old conditions are simply clearing the way for "the new". Chill out and flow !!!
The SIX is a time of intended serenity, balance, contentment and a quieting from the change and turmoil of the FIVE year. This can be a wonderful year that may bring you the fruits of your past efforts. It's a year when you should seek peace in your relationships and healing for your mind and body. Best advice is: Get your domestic affairs in order so you are prepared for next year's time of repose and future planning. You experienced the rapid changes of last year's FIVE, so this year you must find ways to grow stronger in all ways. Attend to all of your responsibilities and this SIX year can be a financially fruitful year. Be willing to offer help to others and be conciliatory in settling your marriage or relationship disputes.
Best advice to follow during your SEVEN year is to be willing to follow the example cited in the Christian Bible. "Six days did He labor and on the Seventh Day, He rested". This SEVEN year is your time to pull back, rest and review the past six years of growth and activity. It's your time to draw up a game plan for the next (3) years. You are nearing the end of your NINE year cycle of growth and activity and must establish a roadmap that will ensure the successful navigation of the years remaining during this NINE year venture. This is a year during which "the law of attraction" is strongly in effect. It is a year when you must pull back and allow your inner-self (soul) to begin a process of deep examination and meditation (which will enable your soul to "attract" thoughts and ideas from your Higher Self). This is not a year for new beginnings and new initiatives, it is your down time needed to formulate your future possibilities. You find yourself taking a personal inventory and sorting through the things in your life that can be retained and those that must be exorcised.
This year you are beginning your climb or ascension to reap the fruits of your labors. It's a year when the plan you established during last year's SEVEN thoughtful repose, is now put in force to bring you success (or disappointment if you failed to adequately prepare during the SEVEN). Your life should now be resting on a much more stable foundation. Finances can abound, job promotion & recognition may be received. You are experiencing a drive now to improve your position and place in the world. Much energy will be expended to move forward... just remember that if you force issues beyond their breaking point it can backfire on your health and mental clarity. Stand tall, take control, own your own power, but do these things as you exercise wisdom in your efforts. Most of all, don't be ruthless, cruel, critical or attempt to dominate others. Use a measure of control and wisdom as you regulate your energies to ensure success.
The most important principle to be remembered about your NINE year is its purpose... to remove outworn and no longer useful personal relationships, things, attitudes, involvements and interests from your life (making room for new and more vital levels of growth and existence). To some, this catharsis sounds and feels like a brutal, bullying tactic on the part of Mother Nature, but in reality it's a necessary action, since most of us will not let go or release life conditions that no longer foster or support our growth. You might say...the tide is out and everything is exposed on the beach It's time to clear the flotsam & jetsam from your boat's launching area. When the tide returns in your ONE Personal Year, you will then be ready to sail anew into another challenging NINE year journey.
© Copyright 2008, Joe Ivory, all rights reserved

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Joe for always sharing-You so rock!

"Our spiritual journey lies in rising above the mental forces of fear and limitation." - Marianne Williamson