Saturday, August 30, 2008

Joe Biden

The stage is set as the race continues...
I am truly grateful to my elite community and spiritual team of incredible, intuitive, and brilliant mentors who continue to bless and amaze me with their talent and artistic genius. Joe Ivory, being one of my teachers and one of the most incredible numerologists and astrologists in this world, has written a wonderful and enlightening article with the recent selection of Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr as the Democratic Nominee for the Vice President of the United States of America.

Never have the hands of Fate's Cosmic Event Clock aligned so synchronistically and so amazingly in-line with life's events, as they have with the recent selection of Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr as the Democratic Nominee for the Vice President of the United States of America.
His amazing and totally surprising selection is not only fated, but is prominently indicated as a cornerstone event within Joe's astrological future trend chart. His ascendancy is also prominently shown and indicated within the action numbers of his numerological Future Trend and Progression Chart.
On Election Day, November 4, 2008, the Planet Saturn will be moving from the 18th degree of Virgo to the 19th degree of Virgo within our skies above. Why, you may ask, is this so noteworthy? Well it's not only noteworthy, but is "the pathway event" of Joe Biden's amazing introduction (as a key player) into Fate's Destiny Plan to transform and uplift the evolutionary consciousness and mindset of humanity.
Within each person's astrological chart there is an area referred to as their 10th House (called the Midheaven Point) that speaks to their professional and public achievements, career goals, ambitions and levels of recognition for work and effortful accomplishments. In Joe's chart his 10th House Midheaven Point is in the Sign of Virgo at 19 degrees.
On November 4, 2008, the Planet Saturn will move into the 19th degree of Virgo (conjoining Joe's Midheaven to the exact degree).. This merging of Saturn's energies with Joe's Midheaven Point will inaugurate and launch his reputation and elevate his life purpose. This sort of Saturnian conjunction will lend power and world vision to Joe's driving purpose to serve with honor for America and the World.
The Planet Saturn is known as the great disciplinarian and teacher. Its powers are great and are present within our lives to teach us how to structure and order our existence. It asks us to work honestly effortfully and consistently with focus, firm dedication and solid determination in all we do. If we stray from that plan or path, each must suffer the consequences. However, when we've worked hard and strived diligently through the years, Saturn honors and rewards us with position and recognition for a job well done.
An example of the sort of negative reward one can bring down upon themselves is that of the Presidency of Richard Nixon. When the Planet Saturn entered Nixon's 10th House Midheaven Point, he reaped the wild wind and lost all (as the result of the negative energies he fostered). Saturn asks only that you be honest and strive in a positive and dedicated manner to succeed. Go against his will and the results can be devastating.
Such has been the intention of Joe's life efforts... to work honestly (with concerned purpose) for the betterment of all. As a key player in the Senate for 35 years he has earned the reputation of a no nonsense, fair and straight forward fighter for justice and equality (domestically and internationally). He has followed the tenets and principles set forth by the Planet Saturn and has finally earned the opportunity to serve and manifest his reward.
Numerologically, Joe's progressed event chart shows that just after his 65th birthday in 2007 (November 20), he entered the ambitious and forward moving achievement influence of the innovative and progressive number ONE. This number always appears in our charts when we are about to launch a new venture or move energetically into new areas of exploration and hopeful accomplishment.
Another area of note within the chart is his age digit of (65) which totals (11) when the digits are added together ( 6 + 5 = 11). This (11) is a Master Number which always energizes and elevates a person's path in life, providing illumination and inspiration to accomplish great things (for self and humanity).
There are far greater powers at work within our Universe, than known or ever conceived by the little minds of man. Joe's move into the dawning rays of this evolutionary light of a new era is just a first step forward into the advancing tides of our changing Universe.
Stay tuned, there are many more surprising events yet to follow.
copyright 2008 by Joe Ivory, all rights reserved.
Joe Biden's astrological profile, by Pam Powers

I invite you to meet Joe Ivory
Since 1966, Joe has dedicated his lifepath and purpose to his spiritual quest... an ever constant and unrelenting search for the truths of life. In an energetic effort to share the keys of Numerology's vital self-transforming power, he has (since 1974) traveled extensively, lecturing, conducting seminars and teaching in local colleges and various California adult education programs. He has appeared on local TV and public access programming. His two newspaper columns on Numerology and The Hermetic Wisdom are well known and have been enjoyed by Bay Area readers for years.
Joe is currently available for astrology charts. Please feel free to contact Joe at or go directly to his site @

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